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The composition of the Falk School Board is set by the charter agreement between the Falk family and the University of Pittsburgh. The composition also reflects the expertise and perspectives (past, present, future) needed to achieve the mission and strategic objectives of the school. The Board is chaired by a representative selected by the Chancellor of the University of Pittsburgh (usually the Dean of the School of Education). Membership on the Board consists of the Dean of the School of Education, the Director of Falk Lab School, a member of the University’s Board of Trustees, a representative from the teaching faculty of the School of Education, a representative of the Falk teaching faculty, and two representatives from the Falk family. Note: officers in the Falk Parent Organization also attend Board meetings, in ex-officio, non-voting status.
Role of the School Board
The 1930 Charter Agreement established the Fanny Edel Falk School Board with “the power of approval of the general purposes and activities with the school, subject to the final decision of the Board of Trustees of the University of Pittsburgh” and that “…the administration of details of the operation of the school shall be through the regular administrative channels of the University, and that all staff teachers in the school shall be accorded faculty recognition by the School of Education in such rank as the School of Education designates.” This arrangement means that our Falk School Board is charged with upholding agreements within the Charter though much of their work is primarily advisory in nature.
To that end, the Falk School Board supports the mission and philosophy of the school through oversight and evaluation of its leadership and planning efforts. To ensure a comprehensive community of learning and operational compliance with both charter and University regulations, the School Board’s primary areas of responsibilities are to:
• Adopt a clear statement of the school’s mission, vision and strategic goals;
• Review and maintain appropriate bylaws that conform to the legal charter;
• Review and approve the annual budget;
• Keep full and accurate records of its meetings and policies and communicate its decisions widely, while keeping deliberations confidential;
• Engage proactively with the head of the school in cultivating and maintain good relations with school constituents, as well as the broader university;
• Exhibit best practices relevant to equity and justice.
2023–2024 School Year
Name: Gregory Wittig
Occupation: Middle School U.S. History Teacher
Role on the Board: Teacher Representative
Years served: 2021 to Present
Areas(s) of expertise you contribute to the board: Teaching, curriculum, pedagogy
Preferred contact information (email): [email protected]
Connection to Falk Laboratory School: Teacher for 33 years. Working with young people for 33 years
Name: Dr. Jill Sarada
Occupation: Director, Falk Laboratory School
Role on the Board: Director
Years served: Three years
Areas(s) of expertise you contribute to the board:
Preferred contact information (email): [email protected]
Connection to Falk Laboratory School: Dr. Sarada served as Interim Director 2021-2022, Assistant Director 2019 - 2021, Director of Admissions 2014-2019, and Kindergarten teacher 1999 - 2016. A past President of the International Association of Laboratory Schools (IALS), Jill actively works to support learning and collaboration among the educators of Lab schools with the broader educational community.
Name: Dr. Eboni M. Zamani-Gallaher
Occupation: Professor and Renée and Richard Goldman Interim Dean, University of Pittsburgh School of Education; Executive Director, Council for the Study of Community Colleges; Fellow, American Educational Research Association; and President-Elect and Chair-Elect, Association for the Study of Higher Education
Role on the Board (e.g., Parent Representative, Faculty Representative, etc.): Chair
Years served: In first year
Areas(s) of expertise you contribute to the board: Leadership and strategic vision; collaboration and institutional support; and equitable practices in education.
Preferred contact information (to include on website): Contact executive assistant Megan Brennan at [email protected]
Connection to Falk Laboratory School: Interim Dean of the School of Education
Signature accomplishments: Accomplished scholar whose work focuses on equitable participation in higher education; transfer, access, and retention policies; minoritized student populations in marginalized institutional contexts; and racial equity and campus climate in postsecondary education pathways. As a researcher, has amassed more than $9 million in external funding on projects aimed at improving the field of higher education, with support from such organizations as he Lumina Foundation, Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and National Science Foundation. Leads a variety of professional organizations, including as executive director of the Council for the Study of Community Colleges; member of the Community College Review Editorial Board; member for the Institute for Women’s Policy Research, and a member of the Black Learner Excellence Expert Advisory Committee; and President-Elect and Chair-Elect, Association for the Study of Higher Education
Name: Heather J. Bachman
Occupation: Associate Dean of Research and Professor in the School of Education, and a Research Scientist at the Learning Research and Development Center at Pitt
Role on the Board: Parent representative
Years served: In 2nd year of 3-year term
Areas(s) of expertise you contribute to the board: Home, classroom, and policy influences on early academic and social development.
Preferred contact information: [email protected]
Connection to Falk Laboratory School: My son is in 2nd grade at Falk, and I teach an undergraduate child development class to future K-4th grade student teachers at Falk.
Signature accomplishments: I have received federal and foundation funding to support early learning projects with community organizations, pre-k and center-based programs, and families throughout Allegheny County.
Name: Dorothy Falk
Occupation: Municipal Secretary/Treasurer
Role on the Board: Falk Family representative
Years served: 25+ years
Areas(s) of expertise you contribute to the board: I am a former teacher with a Master's in Curriculum and Instruction. I have 15+ years of experience in budgeting and finance. My three children all attended the Falk School. I see my role as providing historic context to the board and administration, keeping the Falk School true to its purpose, and supporting the school in its work.
Preferred contact information (to include on website): [email protected]
Connection to Falk Laboratory School: Former parent.
Name: Kent Harries
Occupation: Professor of Civil Engineering (with an additional courtesy appointment in architecture)
Role on the Board: Parent representative
Years served: In first year of three-year term
Area(s) of expertise you contribute to the board: Expertise on infrastructure and experience with facilities operation to the Falk board. Goals as a board member include developing stronger links with the campus community with two goals in mind: 1) enhancing Wonderlab and Social Studies opportunities for Falk students, engaging other campus initiatives and programmes (academic and otherwise); and 2) having Falk School better represented in the Campus Master Plan.
Name: Matthew Falcone
Occupation: President of Preservation Pittsburgh, a community-based nonprofit dedicated to helping communities preserve and celebrate their heritage
Role on the Board: Parent representative
Years served: Since 2021 / Third year of three-year term
Area(s) of expertise you contribute to the board: In addition to his work with Falk School, Matthew Falcone has served on the City of Pittsburgh’s Historic Review Commission since May of 2015 as well as the Pennsylvania State Historic Preservation Board. He holds degrees in Integrative Arts and History of Art from the Pennsylvania State University and the University of York (U.K.), respectively. Matthew also serves as the President of Preservation Pittsburgh, a community-based non-profit dedicated to help communities preserve and celebrate their heritage. Formerly, Matthew worked as the Associate Dean of Faculty for the Art Institute of Pittsburgh for roughly 12 years and has extensive experience in educational management, administration, teaching, institutional assessment, and curriculum development. As an art historian and experienced stained glass conservator, Matthew has a strong affinity for Pittsburgh’s rich history of publicly accessible art. Matthew lives with his husband and two daughters in Pittsburgh’s historic Deutschtown neighborhood.
Name: Michael G. Gunzenhauser
Occupation: Professor of Education and Senior Associate Dean, Pitt School of Education
Role on the Board: Faculty Representative
Years served: Fall 2022–Present
Areas(s) of expertise you contribute to the board: Philosophy of education, research methodology, education leadership
Preferred contact information (to include on website): [email protected]
Connection to Falk Laboratory School: Former Falk parent, 2010–2022.
Signature accomplishments: I have been an educator just over 35 years, including three years as a counselor in a residential high school and 32+ years as an administrator and faculty member in higher education. My scholarship applies philosophical ideas from ethics and epistemology to issues of social justice in education and research methods. In 2012, I published The Active/Ethical Professional: A Framework for Responsible Educators with Continuum Press and am working on a new book focused on race-conscious leadership ethics.